After using Ping An Credit Card, as long as you pay off the bill in full before the final repayment date, no additional fees will be incurred. If you fail to repay on time, you will be charged liquidated damages and interest, which will affect your credit record and lead to a breach of contract. The deposit is charged based on 5% of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount, with a minimum of RMB 20 yuan, and the interest is calculated based on each transaction in your bill at a rate of 50,000 yuan per day starting from the consumption accounting date until you pay it off. . You can log in to Ping An Pocket Bank APP-Credit Card-My Bill to check the specific amount owed.
Response time: 2020-07-27. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
[Ping An Car Loan] You can get a loan with a car, up to 500,000
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