Buying a mobile phone by stages will have a great impact on a person's credit. If you buy a mobile phone by installment, you can't apply for a loan from the bank in the future. Because the bank will test your personal repayment ability, it is not particularly strong and it is impossible to buy a house. Therefore, I hope everyone can keep their credit records, and it is best not to apply for small loans online at will. Buying a house costs a lot of money, so apply for a loan from the bank, and the bank will definitely investigate your personal credit information.
Consequences of credit problems If the bank finds out that you have made a small loan, the banking system will think that your repayment ability is not particularly strong, so it will not approve a large loan. Then what everyone needs to rest assured is that in fact, buying a mobile phone in installments will definitely not be a credit report. But if you borrow money on Alipay or in some shopping malls, it will be recorded in your personal credit record.
Keep a good credit record, but if you can keep a good credit record and return it in time, it will not affect your personal credit. The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to apply for a large loan from the bank in the future. However, if you buy a mobile phone by stages, it will lead to overdue, which will have a certain impact on personal credit information and is likely to be sued.