If a salaried person applies for a credit card, the bank will set the credit limit based on your income level. For those who have never had a credit card before, you can apply for an ordinary credit card that is the same as your salary card. The application will be approved quickly and the credit limit will be increased based on your deposit history in the bank.
Specific credit cards can be as follows:
1. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. It is easier to apply for a card with a higher credit limit. Generally, the application requirements for Hanrongbang only need to meet the basic age, work, and income conditions.
2. Agricultural Bank of China. As a state-owned bank, it is best to apply for the Agricultural Bank of China credit card with a high credit limit; 3. China Everbright Bank. The average credit card limit among commercial banks is the highest; China Everbright Bank's credit review policy is rigorous but flexible, and the credit limit is not conservative at all. The threshold for applying for a card is low and it is easier to approve the card; 4. Industrial Bank. The conditions for applying for a card are as long as you are over 18 years old and have no bad credit record.
5. Huaxia Bank. General application requirements: Age requirement: 18-60 years old; stable job and source of income; identity document: copy of resident ID card or military officer ID card.
6. Bank of Communications is more suitable for young people with academic qualifications to apply.