The existence of credit cards is still necessary. As the scope of use of credit cards continues to expand, many people now have several credit cards in their hands, and some want to cancel them after not using them for a long time. So, can a credit card still be used after cancellation?
Can a credit card still be used after cancellation?
Credit card cancellation can be divided into two types: card cancellation and account cancellation. If the cardholder chooses It is basically possible to recover after canceling the card. If the cardholder chooses to cancel the account, recovery is unlikely. In other words, when the cardholder cancels the credit card, he only chooses to cancel the card without canceling the account with the issuing bank, then the credit card can be restored. If a cardholder cancels his or her credit card, not only the card but also the account are closed, which generally cannot be restored.
In general, there will be a 45-day transition period for canceling a credit card account. As long as the cardholder applies to the bank to restore the credit limit within 45 days, it is still possible to succeed. Cardholders need to note that once the credit card is submitted for cancellation, the credit card cannot be used. If you continue to use it, the credit card cancellation will fail.