Credit cards can provide you with emergency funds when you need cash flow and relieve your current financial pressure. Have you ever used an ICBC credit card? Do you know the maximum amount of money you can borrow with an ICBC credit card? If you don’t know yet, let’s take a look at these contents.
The maximum amount of money you can borrow with an industrial and commercial credit card
1. Generally speaking, the maximum overdraft for an ICBC quasi-credit card (starting with 45806 or 50398) is 5,000 yuan, and interest-free repayment is not available. , interest will start to be calculated as soon as you overdraft, but deposits have current interest; the maximum overdraft limit for credit cards (starting with 451810, 451811) is 50,000 yuan.
2. Credit card (starting with 451810, 451811), there is no interest on deposits, but the consumption overdraft limit can enjoy an interest-free repayment period of 25-26 days, but it needs to be repaid in full; if it is a cash withdrawal overdraft, Interest-free repayment is not available. Interest is calculated based on the full amount of your overdraft, 0.05 per day. The portion not repaid within the high-quality interest-free period will be charged a late payment fee based on 0.05 of the daily interest. Remember to repay on time.
ICBC Credit Card Application Conditions
As one of the four major state-owned banks, ICBC’s credit cards have relatively high gold content. The application conditions are as follows:
1 . The applicant must be between 18 and 60 years old, with full independent civil capacity;
2. Have a stable job and income in the place of application, and provide supporting documents;
3. The individual’s financial strength has the corresponding repayment ability;
4. The individual has a certain star level in ICBC. The higher the level, the higher the credit card limit that can be applied for;
5. Personal credit report is good and no bad credit record.
The above are the application conditions for ICBC credit cards. If you want to apply for a credit card, make sure you meet the application conditions first.