1, swipe your card more, use your credit card if you can, and swipe your card if you can, regardless of the credit card limit. First, the amount of credit cards is relatively large, and the number of swipes can make banks feel your dependence on credit cards.
2. Appropriate staging. After the credit card bill comes out, it can be phased appropriately. The number of installments should not be too long, so that banks can make money and brush a few large sums, and it is easy to raise the amount.
3. Be sure to guarantee the credit card limit every month, preferably about 40% of the total monthly amount. The more you brush, the better. You must be realistic. For example, you earn 4,000 yuan a month, but you spend more than 10,000 yuan a month. Of course this is not appropriate. This will make the bank think you are dangerous and worry about whether your repayment will be overdue.
It is very easy to apply for temporary withdrawal from the bank, especially on holidays for tourism reasons.
5. Repay on time, don't be overdue. After 3 to 6 months of normal use of the card, the quota will be raised.
6. It is necessary to handle the bank installment business reasonably and let the bank make some money.
7. The types of credit card merchants should be diversified, covering industries above 10 as far as possible, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, gyms, etc.