It is relatively easy to apply for a credit card because you have your previous credit records from other banks as personal credit guarantee. After approval, there is still a card production process. This is a different part of the matter, so it will take about two weeks, so please wait slowly.
The card will be sent by registered mail. Of course, as long as you see that it has been reviewed, you can call customer service and ask them to send it by express. It will arrive in three to five days, but it will be sent from you The express fee of 20 yuan will be deducted from the card. The customer service will tell you this when you request express delivery.
As for the gold card, yours may be a co-branded gold card, such as a co-branded card for shopping malls, hotels, websites, airlines, etc. To put it bluntly, the purpose of such a card is to charge a few more annual fees (a few dollars for a regular card, a few hundred for a gold card, and the limit is not much more than that of a regular card) haha.
But you must remember to use your card carefully and protect your personal credit record. Happy using your card!