If you want to contact the manual service of Bank of Communications Credit Card Center, here are the simple steps:
First, call the unified customer service hotline 95559, which is the national service number of Bank of Communications. After answering, select the appropriate language option to ensure smooth communication.
Next, prepare your credit card number and ID number, because you need to enter this information to verify your identity. After hearing the prompt, press the 0 key, which usually directs you to a human customer service without waiting for a long automatic answering system.
For Platinum Card users of Bank of Communications, there is a dedicated customer service hotline 400-800-9888. This number can be transferred to manual service faster, while enjoying personalized value-added services and multi-lingual services. Support and service are more considerate.
If you hold any of the standard cards, Y-POWER cards, business cards, Shanghai tourist cards, and Expo cards, it is also recommended to use 400-800-9888, which will handle the problem more directly. Fast. Co-branded card users can call 400-889-3888, and prospective credit card users should choose 400-809-5559.
If you are abroad, don’t forget to use the international long-distance area code plus 86-21-53529888 to call credit card customer service. You can also enjoy corresponding services, including loss reporting and password management.
In short, through the above steps, no matter your credit card type or region, you can quickly and effectively be transferred to the manual service of the Bank of Communications Credit Card Center to solve your needs.