However, the money will be paid back sooner or later. You'd better get the money ready as soon as possible. If you really have no money, pay back a few hundred dollars first. In this case, the bank won't sue you, because according to the regulations, if you owe more than 10000 yuan, the bank will support the bank to sue you, and you have to collect it twice in a row and don't contact the bank for two months.
When you have no money to pay back, I will tell you what to do. First of all, you must answer the phone at any time, so that the bank can't contact you. If it's inconvenient for you, tell him to wait ten minutes before calling.
Also, you should discuss the repayment with him, saying that the situation is difficult now, it is still a few hundred a month, but you'd better take a few hundred with you, so it won't be a non-repayment, only a small amount at most, and the court won't support it as long as the money is still being exchanged.
Also, if you want to record it once, just say that you are in charge, and the phone call to discuss repayment with him must be recorded. In case you are sued, you have proof that you don't owe money maliciously.