You can apply for a credit card if you are 20 years old, but you need to provide proof of work and income, such as a valid ID card, proof of regular employment, etc.
Credit card application conditions:
Be 18 years or older;
Hold a valid ID card;
No bad credit record;
Proof of regular employment;
Proof of income stamped with the financial seal of the unit;
Other proof of financial resources, such as real estate, cars, stocks, bonds, etc.;
Proof of social pension insurance;
Provide two contact persons.
This answer is provided by Youqianhua. I hope it will be helpful to you. Like Alibaba's Jiebei and Tencent's Weilidai, Youqianhua is a credit service brand of Duxiaoman Financial (formerly Baidu Finance). It belongs to a large company and brand. It is formal and safe. Not only does the interest rate be very low, but it is also very reliable. Relying on Baidu's technology and scenario advantages, Youqianhua uses artificial intelligence and big data risk control technology to lend out more than 400 billion yuan in total, providing countless users with convenient, fast and secure Internet credit services.