Some people don't know the repayment date and mistakenly think that it is enough to repay the money before the end of each month, which makes it impossible for banks to deduct money on the repayment date.
The annual fee has not been paid.
Credit cards have to pay an annual fee even if they are not used. Some careless cardholders forget to pay the annual fee, resulting in bad records.
3. Credit card repayment is reduced
After paying the minimum repayment amount in the current bill, some credit card holders ignore the interest generated by the next bill, resulting in less repayment and default.
4. The agent card forgot to repay.
Consumers apply for loans or credit cards for relatives and friends in their own names, but relatives and friends fail to repay in full and on time, resulting in their own credit stains.
5. Malicious overdraft
Some people accidentally lost their credit cards, but failed to report the loss in time. After being picked up, it was maliciously overdrawn, and I didn't know it, resulting in a bad record. Therefore, the loss of credit cards should be reported in time.