Bank cards are usually credit cards issued by banks to customers, which can perform one or more services, so that customers can obtain funds from their own bank accounts or through credit accounts. It can also be a smart card.
Physically speaking, bank cards usually have the name of the customer, the name of the issuer and the printed unique card number. It has a magnetic stripe on the back, which allows various machines to read and access information. According to the preference of the issuing bank and customers, this can enable the card to be used as an ATM card for transactions on ATM; Or as a debit card, connected to the customer's bank account and can be used for shopping at the point of sale; Or as a credit card attached to the revolving credit line provided by the bank.
The first bank card was an ATM card issued by Barclays Bank of London 1967 and new york Long Island Chemical Bank 1969. [3] 1972, Rice Bank issued the first bank card with magnetic stripe information coding, and used personal identification number (PIN) for security check.
Historically, bank cards have also served as check guarantee cards, which is an almost non-existent system that can cash checks at the point of sale.