Suning Appliance’s installment plan with zero down payment and zero interest rate is actually a promotion to promote the credit card installment business. Just wait until the billing date before repaying it.
Take the purchase of a mobile phone as an example: 0 down payment means that when you purchase this mobile phone through credit card installments, you do not need to pay the down payment of the mobile phone immediately, you only need to wait until the bill date to repay it. That's it. No interest is charged, but handling fees are charged.
Installment payment is introduced as follows:
When Huabei installment payment is not activated, installment payment means that the purchase of a product can be divided into 3 installments (generally no handling fee is required), 6 installments , 9 periods, but when purchasing goods, you must have funds in Alipay equal to the price of the goods. These funds are frozen and unavailable. 3 periods refers to one period per month, and you must repay the money for one period on the 10th of each month. The 3rd period will be It can be repaid in 3 monthly installments, but Alipay funds are not available.
For those who have opened Huabei, as long as Huabei has the amount of the goods to be purchased, even if Alipay has no funds, you can still use Huabei installments, but each installment must be repaid on the 10th of each month, otherwise it will If a fee of 0.5% is charged, Sesame points will be reduced accordingly.