Making money by promoting credit cards has always been a profitable project. On the one hand, there is huge social demand, on the other hand, the promotion commission is very high, and the promotion method is simple. As long as you are good at promotion, it is not difficult to make more than 10,000 yuan a month. , is a must-have project for doing side jobs and earning passive income. At present, I know that the best credit card application and promotion platform is the Zhongyan platform. Everyone can apply to become a partner. There is no charge. Promotion orders are also settled, and the account can be received as soon as the next day.
Many friends ask how to promote after joining the Zhongyan platform, and what promotion techniques and channels are available. I will talk to you here, hoping to serve as a starting point. Without further ado, let’s get straight to the point.
Regarding credit card promotion channels and techniques, the editor believes that the following methods are more practical. Some people don’t like to socialize, so they can use the first two methods. Those who are more eloquent can try local promotion. Each has its own merits. Advantages.
1. Online channels
WeChat is one of the most common and most effective promotion channels. I believe everyone is familiar with it. It mainly uses WeChat friends, circle of friends and public accounts. promotion in a basic direction.
WeChat friends: You can send Zhongyan platform promotional posters point-to-point to WeChat friends and attach text descriptions. The actual test results are good.
Moments: You should insist on posting 1-2 messages every day to let your friends know what you are doing. If they are interested, they will naturally find you. At the same time, you can also place ads on the WeChat Moments media platform.
You can also promote through some self-media, such as posting some Weibo, and promote through short videos. Douyin and Kuaishou are also good channels. The now popular live broadcast is also a very good way to promote.
2. Local promotion channels
Local promotion is one of the most effective promotion methods. Local promotion is more real and easier for everyone to accept.
For example, this kind of promotion method, combined with the new college freshmen, is one of the most effective ways of promotion.
Of course, if you want to operate at a low cost, you can also directly print color promotional pages, and then distribute them one by one to the potential users you think.
There are many ways to promote, and the one that suits you is the best. There are many ways to promote. Due to limited space, I will share it with you when I find time. You are also welcome to communicate with me and discuss!