The minimum credit card repayment amount refers to the minimum amount that the cardholder needs to repay when using revolving credit. Usually this minimum amount is not less than 10% of the outstanding balance. Paying off your balance in full is one of the great advantages of using a credit card, as it requires no additional fees and is good for your credit history. However, if you fail to repay in full on time and choose the minimum repayment amount, although it will not have a negative impact on your credit record, the bank will charge interest at a daily interest rate of 0.05% from the accounting date. The cost cannot be ignored.
There are various repayment methods. You can choose to repay through the credit card's own banking system (in-bank repayment) or mobile application. The mobile payment terminal is powerful and supports direct card swiping or transfer operations. In convenience stores, repayment through smart payment terminals is also a convenient option, but it usually takes 2 to 3 working days to receive the payment, and the handling fee may be waived. In terms of online repayment, common domestic platforms include Baidu Wallet, UnionPay Online, Kuaiqian, Shengfutong, Alipay, Yifubao, etc. The charging standards and arrival time of each platform and bank may be different, so in Please pay attention to the specific regulations when choosing.