Credit card, if you already have a credit card from any bank. It will be easy to deal with it again. But it's more difficult from 10 thousand. The simplest thing is to get all this 2000 and pay it back before the repayment date. After swiping the credit, you can go to the bank to upgrade the credit card limit. It soon rose to 10 thousand.
Bank of Communications credit card application conditions:
Bring your personal ID card.
Proof of work income. (The company will be opened, and then the official seal will be affixed. At that time, the bank will call your company to collect information to prove that you work in that company.
Personal deposit certificate. (this is optional, and the chances of application are relatively high. )
In addition, it will be more powerful if there is proof of real estate or car.
Generally speaking, as long as you have a job and have never had a credit card before, the credit card record is innocent. That's no problem.
Then, go to the lobby manager of the bank and directly ask for a credit card. Then fill in the form and hand in the information.
Waiting for notice.