Second, inactive credit cards may be charged an annual fee. The China Banking Regulatory Commission stipulates that no annual fee may be charged for credit cards without banks. However, if the cardholder does not carefully identify the provisions in the terms when applying, and allows the bank to automatically deduct the fees from the account, it may still generate an annual fee. The expenses incurred will be credited to the cardholder's account in the form of credit card loans. If you don't repay on time, you will have high interest and liquidated damages, leaving a stain on your personal credit record. The annual fee includes advanced card and customized card.
Third, when handling a card, the bank refers to the applicant's card information. Inactive cards may reduce the credit limit and pass rate of future credit cards. Generally speaking, if there is an inactive credit card account with a low credit limit in the credit record, it will have a negative impact on the credit card re-application. When reviewing credit cards, banks generally refer to the applicant's recent credit limit, and the inactive credit limit is low.
Fourth, banks realize that issuing cards has costs. If it is not activated after issuing the card, it is suspected of malicious application. After applying for a card from this bank, the staff will first investigate the applicant's deposit in this bank and the purpose of the card. If you see that the card is inactive, you will definitely lose points. The only solution is to get a phone call from the bank after handling the card and explain to the staff that you didn't activate the card for other reasons.
Therefore, making a credit card must be carefully considered. If we can't use credit cards, don't handle them casually. If we want to deal with it, we'd better choose a regular route.