If you don't receive it within the above time, you should immediately call the bank credit card center to ask if your card has been issued and confirm it, so as to ensure safety. Because there are too many credit card incidents in the market now, it is better to be cautious.
If you don't receive the registered letter of the credit card, you can call the bank to reissue it, or take your ID card to the nearby post office.
Registered credit card letters are usually not accepted under the following circumstances.
1. If the address of the credit card registered letter is wrong, the letter will be returned to the card issuing center.
2. The registered letter of the credit card is taken away, which is more dangerous and easy to be stolen by criminals. So for the sake of safety, if you don't receive the registered letter of the credit card, you must contact the card issuing center as soon as possible to explain the situation and let the credit card center handle the replacement.
3. The registered letter was lost by express delivery or by the addressee.
After the bank sends you a credit card, if you don't receive it, you can call the credit card customer service phone of Bank of Communications for help, explain that you didn't receive the credit card, and confirm whether your address is wrong and where the card goes. Credit cards are sent by registered mail, so there will be no record. Where is the card, please? You can ask the issuing bank to make a new card and then mail it to you.
If your mailing address changes, you should modify the mailing address through the issuing bank in time and let the bank mail the credit card according to the new mailing address.