It doesn’t matter if you pay too much on your Everbright Bank credit card. It’s equivalent to depositing a sum of money into your credit card. This is called credit card overpayment. Overpayments will be deducted from the balance in the next billing cycle. There is no interest on overpayments on credit cards, and it is useless to deposit more. There will also be handling fees when withdrawing. So it’s best to calculate the amount when repaying. \r\nHaima Emergency Advertisement\r\nHigh limit, low threshold, low interest rate\r\nIt doesn’t matter if you pay too much on Everbright Bank credit card, the bank will only deduct the amount that should be paid, and this part of the money can be credited to you For a credit card account, you can pay back less when you make your next purchase, but the bank will not give you interest on the money. But if you want to withdraw it, you will definitely be charged a handling fee, because credit card withdrawals require a handling fee, which is usually 1 of the transaction amount, with a minimum of 10 yuan. So it’s best not to pay more. \r\nFor more information about what to do if you pay too much on your Everbright Bank credit card, enter: /ask/6b4a481615829919.html?zd to view more content