Hello, if you are applying for a credit card from our bank, progress inquiry will not affect the review of your application. Usually we will complete the system entry of the information within two working days after receiving the information. At that time, you can check your information in the application progress. Generally, the review will be completed in about 10 working days. After passing the review, we will make a card for you within 2 working days, and then send it to you by registered mail according to the billing address. Generally, the sending time of registered mail is within 15 days.
(You can consult online through QQ or WeChat about the China Merchants Bank credit card service information you want to know. Method 1: Search 4008205555 among QQ corporate friends, and add China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center as a friend; Method 2: In Search the number "cmb4008205555" on WeChat and follow China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center)