1. After applying for cancellation of the credit card, the bank will not cancel the card immediately, but it will have 45 days to check whether the customer's card has excessive overpayment and unpaid bills. After 45 days, they will officially cancel the card after confirming that there is no arrears and overpayment. So you can apply for cancellation and regret it. If you want to cancel, try to contact the issuing bank to withdraw the cancellation application within 45 days. And if the card has been cancelled, it can't be cancelled.
2. However, it should also be noted that some banks have the opportunity to renew their credit cards after cancellation. For example, China Merchants Bank's credit card can apply for a heavy card, and China Merchants Bank will review the customer's credit information to determine whether it can be heavy. If a single card is cancelled, you can apply for a duplicate card at any time after cancellation; If the whole household cancels, you can apply for a new card after half a year. Of course, if the bank finds that there are still overpayments or arrears in the card 45 days after the customer applies for account cancellation, the account cannot be successfully cancelled.
3. Credit card, also known as debit card, is a credit certificate issued by commercial banks or credit card companies to eligible consumers. It is a card with name, expiration date, number and cardholder's name printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers with credit cards can go to specialized commercial service departments for shopping or spending, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders, and cardholders can overdraw within the prescribed limits.