If the billing date is 27 days in February, the repayment date is the 11th of next month
If the billing date is 28 days in the month, the repayment date is the 1th of next month
If the billing date is 3 days in the month, the repayment date is the 8th of next month
If The shortest interest-free period is to swipe your card on the 12th.
because if it is consumed before the bill date, it will be repaid on the first final repayment date after the bill date comes out.
if it is consumed after the billing date, it will be repaid on the repayment date after the next billing date.
PS: For example, if your repayment date is 8th. If you swipe your card before the 13th of this month, you have to pay back the money before the 8th of next month. If you swipe your card after the 13th of this month, you will pay it back before the 8th of next month.
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