You can always pay the minimum repayment amount on a credit card, which will not have an overdue impact on your credit report. However, long-term minimum repayments will make the bank think that your credit has declined, and it is likely to make changes to your credit card limit. Adjust accordingly, and if you apply for a loan from this bank, the amount is likely to be affected, so it is recommended that you choose the minimum repayment method as little as possible. Below is some additional information about minimum repayments.
Minimum repayment amount:
The minimum repayment amount will be indicated on the credit card statement. Repaying the minimum payment will not harm your personal credit. Under normal circumstances, the minimum repayment amount is a certain proportion of the accumulated unpaid consumption principal (10 for our bank). All fees, interest, the amount of debt exceeding the credit limit, the principal of cash advance, and the minimum repayment amount of the previous period's bill are not included. Also the sum of its parts.