bank cards can be divided into credit cards and debit cards. Credit card is a kind of bank card, including credit card and quasi-credit card. Credit card is a credit card that the issuing bank gives the cardholder a certain credit line, and the cardholder can spend first and then repay. Quasi-credit card refers to a credit card in which the cardholder must first deposit a certain amount of reserve fund according to the requirements of the issuing bank, and when the balance of the reserve fund account is insufficient to pay, it can be overdrawn within the credit limit stipulated by the issuing bank.
Credit cards can be consumed first and then repaid, and there is no need to deposit a reserve fund. Non-cash transactions enjoy interest-free repayment period and minimum repayment amount. Although quasi-credit card holders can consume first and then repay, they must deposit a certain reserve fund at the time of application, and they are not allowed to enjoy the preferential treatment of credit cards.
a debit card refers to a bank card that deposits first and then consumes (or withdraws cash) without overdraft function. According to different functions, it can be divided into transfer card (including savings card), special card and stored value card.