Every card friend knows that after using a credit card, you need to repay it on time. It is extremely unwise to use the card to maintain it. For cardholders, it is best to repay on time if they can repay on time. Moreover, every credit card has a final repayment date. If you fail to pay even the minimum payment on the repayment date, it is considered overdue. So, how long is the grace period for PSBC credit cards?
How long is the grace period for PSBC credit cards?
The grace period for PSBC credit cards is 4 days. Postal Bank credit cards have a grace period, which is 4 days after the repayment date. The grace period for Postal Savings Bank credit cards is longer than that of other banks, nearly four days, and the repayment grace period ends at 5 p.m. on the fourth day. This means that if the cardholder can pay the payment before 5 pm on the fourth day after the due payment date, he can avoid overdue payment. If you still cannot repay the loan four days after the due date, it will be considered overdue.
What is the general limit of a postal credit card?
1. Regular card. The amount is between RMB 2,000 and RMB 5,000.
2. Gold card. The limit of gold card is less than 100,000 yuan.
3. Platinum Card. The amount ranges from RMB 100,000 to one million yuan.
These are only a general range of postal savings credit card limits. The specific limit must be determined based on the applicant's various circumstances.
According to the country’s credit card time tolerance service regulations, the repayment grace period provided by the card-issuing bank to the cardholder shall not be less than 3 days. However, different banks set different grace periods based on their actual circumstances. Although the bank has a time tolerance policy, it is better for cardholders to repay on time.