Generally speaking, the refund funds of personal income tax cannot be returned to other people's bank cards, so for the safety of funds, the refund funds can only be returned to my bank card account. And the general tax refund bank account should fill in the class I account to keep the bank in normal state, so as to avoid tax refund failure. If one month after applying for personal income tax refund, the tax refund funds have not arrived in my account. Then, it is necessary to check whether the bank card account for tax refund is in an abnormal state, which leads to the failure of tax refund.
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Generally speaking, it is necessary to open a bank account for the taxpayer's own bank. In order to avoid unsuccessful tax refund, taxpayers are advised to fill in Class I accounts. Please keep your bank account in a normal state until you receive the tax refund. Abnormal bank card status will lead to the failure of fund refund. Tax refund means that after paying taxes, because some funds can be exempted from tax, individuals pay more taxes, and these overpaid taxes will be returned to the tax account for tax deduction in the next tax payment cycle. Literally speaking, tax refund is tax refund. Not every tax payment is just a tax that meets the actual needs. Some policy reasons or personal reasons can easily lead to the inconsistency between the actual tax paid and the required tax paid. For the part that has not paid enough tax, it is necessary to pay back the tax. For the overpaid tax, you can apply for a tax refund.
3. How long will it take for the tax refund to arrive?
The personal income tax rebate can be received within three working days at the earliest, or about one month if it is slow. If the tax refund conditions are met, but the tax refund has not been received for more than 30 days, the taxpayer needs to ask the tax authorities why. The application for personal income tax refund can be declared in the online tax bureau.