You can quickly check your debit card balance through Bank of China mobile banking, "Bank of China Micro Banking" WeChat official account, and personal online banking login page.
1. Mobile banking: Select quick balance query on the login page, enter the debit card number and withdrawal password to query;
2. Follow the WeChat public account "Bank of China Micro Bank", Click Micro Finance → My Debit Card → Binding and Unbinding Settings → Enter the debit card number, withdrawal password and mobile phone verification code to complete the binding → Return to the main interface of Micro Bank → Balance details query;
3. Log in to the official website of Bank of China ( via computer, click on Personal Customer Online Banking Login, and enter the debit card number and withdrawal password to query.
The above content is for your reference, please refer to actual business regulations.
If you have any questions, please feel free to consult Bank of China’s online customer service.
You are sincerely invited to download and use Bank of China Mobile Banking APP or Bank of China Cross-border GO APP to handle related businesses.