We all know that Huabai has the function of deferred repayment. After handling it, you need to pay a certain fee to postpone the repayment of this bill until next month, and it will not affect your credit. This makes many credit card holders very envious. It would be nice if credit cards could also postpone repayment. Next, let's discuss the topic of credit card deferred repayment. 1. Can the credit card postpone repayment? Under normal circumstances, credit cards can't postpone repayment like flowers. Although most credit cards have a grace period of 1-3 days, grace period and deferred repayment are two different things. Without special circumstances, banks won't allow cardholders to postpone repayment. If the repayment is not received within the grace period at the latest, the credit card will be overdue. In the so-called special circumstances, for example, there are four groups of people who can't repay their credit card debts on time at this stage, including those who are hospitalized or isolated from COVID-19, those who need isolated observers for epidemic prevention and control, those who participate in epidemic prevention and control, and those who have temporarily lost their income sources due to the epidemic, they can apply to the bank for deferred repayment.
2. Does credit card deferred repayment affect credit? It depends on whether the bank agrees to postpone the repayment of the credit card. If the bank does not agree, but the cardholder fails to repay on time in the current month, it will be reported to the central bank for credit investigation after the deadline, which will affect the credit first. If the bank agrees, it will not report the cardholder to the central bank for credit investigation within the time limit, and will not charge interest. It should be noted that to apply for credit card deferred repayment during the epidemic period, it is necessary to provide the bank with relevant proof materials that cannot be repaid normally due to the epidemic, including but not limited to identity certificates, professional certificates, diagnosis certificates, transportation bills, etc., which will not affect the credit investigation after being approved by the bank.