You can enjoy an interest-free period for spending by credit card. Interest-free period means that you don't have to pay any interest if you pay off all the spending money before the final repayment date. The interest-free repayment period is 2 days to 5 days, and the length of time will depend on the specific time of your consumption. If your consumption is before the current billing date, it will be included in the current bill; If it is included in the next bill after the billing date, you can enjoy a longer interest-free period. Assume that the billing date is 1 days and the repayment date is 28 days. For example, in general, if the customer consumes on August 9, the bill will be issued on August 1, and the repayment will be required on August 28, so the interest-free period is the shortest; If the customer spends on August 1th, the bill will not be issued until September 1th, and the repayment on September 28th will have a 5-day interest-free period. That is, if the customer repays all the payable amount before the due repayment date (inclusive), the credit card consumption on the billing date can enjoy the longest interest-free period.