how to charge two credit cards from the same bank at the same time depends on the annual fee policy of this bank's credit cards. For example, some banks stipulate that the annual fee can be waived if the credit cards are charged five or six times a year, while others require a certain amount to be charged. Please consult the issuing bank and customer service hotline for details. Can two credit cards in the same bank be used at the same time?
Two credit cards in the same bank can be used at the same time, and both credit cards can enjoy a quota.
Requirements for bank credit card application:
1. Mainland residents aged 18 -65;
2. Have a stable job and a monthly punch-in income;
3. Fill in the credit card application form and sign it personally at the "Applicant's Signature".
Information of bank credit card application:
1. Photocopy of ID card, work certificate, income certificate, etc.
2. Provide bank deposit certificates, real estate certificates, degree certificates, etc.
3. In case of foreign household registration, overseas personnel applying for local jobs, and active military officers applying for credit cards in their own names, some card-issuing banks may require temporary accounts issued by local public security departments or certificates (including work certificates) issued by relevant departments.
The process of bank credit card application:
1. Log on to the official website of bank credit card;
2. Enter the "Credit Card Online Application" page;
3. Select your favorite card. After clicking the card, you can view all the information of the card.
4. after clicking "new user application" or "cardholder application", fill in the basic information on the webpage: name and ID number;
5. Click "Customer Verification" to continue to improve the information. After submission, select the card and you can wait for the bank to issue the card. Whether a person can have two credit cards means
yes in the same bank. I have two cards in the Agricultural Bank of China and three in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. How to calculate the annual fee of several credit cards in the same bank
First, multiple credit cards in the same bank must be free of annual fees.
Second, the trouble of handling multiple credit cards
1. Don't ignore the annual fee of credit cards when holding multiple credit cards: Generally, there is an annual fee for general credit cards, but the annual fee can be waived if you swipe your card for a certain number of times or a certain amount. If you hold multiple credit cards, you need to pay attention to this problem, and each card must be swiped for a sufficient number of times or a certain amount to be exempted from the annual fee.
2. Holding multiple credit cards does not necessarily increase the credit limit: holding multiple credit cards in the same bank will not increase the credit limit, but several credit cards will enjoy it. Only when multiple credit cards belong to different issuing banks will the total credit card amount increase.
3. Holding more than one credit card is not enough or the credit card is reduced: a person's monthly consumption level is limited, and the number and amount of swiping cards are also limited. If you handle more than one credit card, you can't swipe it often. If the frequency of swiping cards is too low, the credit card limit may be reduced by the issuing bank. At the same time, you have two credit cards of one bank
If you are a CMB credit card, there is no limit on the number of cards you can apply for at present. All credit cards (including supplementary cards) under the name of the principal cardholder * * * enjoy the same fixed quota, and the quota for handling multiple credit cards will not be accumulated.
how to use two credit cards in the same bank
If it is a credit card of China Merchants Bank, personal credit cards are managed in a unified account. If there are multiple credit cards in your name, you can enjoy the same credit limit, generate a bill and repay it to any card in your name. What happens if two credit card passwords in the same bank are the same?
if it is a CMB credit card, the inquiry passwords of the two credit cards are the same, and the transaction passwords can be different.
our credit card has two passwords, namely inquiry password and transaction password. 1. Password inquiry: the password used when calling our customer service hotline, online banking login and online payment at home and abroad; 2. Transaction password: it corresponds to the two functions of credit card password and cash advance respectively, and these two functions need to be enabled separately. After being enabled, you will use the transaction password when spending money by credit card or borrowing cash in advance. ① Password swiping function: refers to the function of verifying the password when swiping the card. At present, it is applicable to the physical card-passing transactions of UnionPay lines at home and abroad, excluding non-card-passing transactions, such as card-pressing transactions, manual authorization transactions, telephone booking of air tickets, etc. ② Cash advance function: it is suitable for ATM to check credit card limit and ATM or bank counter to withdraw cash. Warm reminder: there will be corresponding handling fees and interest when you withdraw cash. They are all 6 digits. Please do not use multiple consecutive or repeated digits. What's the use of two credit cards in the same bank?
In the case of China Merchants Bank credit card, the quota is * * *. Do I have to pay an annual fee for owning two credit cards in a bank?
that's not necessarily true. some of them don't need annual fees, or they are conditionally exempted. however, if there are two cards, they must meet the corresponding conditions at the same time before they are exempted. otherwise, they will pay two annual fees. Can a person apply for two credit cards of China Merchants Bank at the same time? The limit is ***
The number of cards applied for by China Merchants Bank Credit Card is not limited for the time being, and all credit cards (including supplementary cards) under the name of the principal cardholder * * enjoy the same fixed limit, and the credit limit for handling multiple cards will not be accumulated.