First of all, you must use a credit card to spend more. Credit cards are likely to be idle for a long time, let alone increase or even decrease. The consumption here refers not to the card, but to the real consumption in the store. But be careful, don't swipe your credit card, you can use incremental consumption, such as 20% this month, 30% next month, and so on.
Secondly, friends who have done business in ICBC know that ICBC can improve its star rating through investment and wealth management. Conditional friends can open investment and wealth management accounts in ICBC, trade and pay corresponding handling fees. It is best to trade precious metals. After a period of time, contact customer service and say that the funds are not enough to ask for cash withdrawal, and the chances of success are very high.
Finally, according to the individual's actual situation, after a period of use (more than six months), you can actively submit an application to ICBC to increase the credit card limit. In order to improve the success rate of card processing, we need to provide ICBC with our own income certificates, such as payroll, tax bills and other documents, which can show our solvency and increase the chances of obtaining a higher limit.
All in all, as long as the time is right and the attitude is good, it is not as difficult as expected for ICBC to withdraw cash from its credit card. Through the reasonable management and use of ICBC's credit cards, we can better meet our own needs, have a higher credit card limit and enjoy the benefits and convenience brought by credit cards. In addition, in the process of using credit cards, everyone must repay in time.