First, credit cards are restricted. If your credit card is clearly limited but you can't swipe it, then it may be that your credit card is restricted. For example, if you set a daily limit for your credit card, you can't swipe your card in the future even if there is still a limit in your card when your consumption has reached the limit that day. Or if you swipe your card too frequently in a day, it will also be restricted, resulting in a limit in the card but you can't swipe your card. The card is frozen. If your card is abnormal, such as being frozen by the bank, even if your card has a limit, you can't swipe it. Wrong password. For example, when we use a credit card to spend money, we often need a transaction password. If you enter the wrong transaction password, the card will not be able to pay for the transaction, so there will be cases where the card has a limit but cannot swipe the card. There is something wrong with the pos machine. If your card clearly has a limit but you can't swipe it, it may be that the POS machine of the merchant is out of order, so you can't swipe it. If the card is damaged, you need to swipe a credit card to make a transaction, and the magnetic stripe on the card is very important. If the magnetic stripe on your credit card is damaged, you can't swipe your card. The transaction is risky. If your credit card transaction is suspected to be risky by the bank, the bank will not let you successfully conduct the transaction in order to avoid the risk. For example, some people use the card improperly, which leads the bank to suspect that you are cashing in when you trade, so you can't trade, which leads to that you can't swipe your card when you know there is a limit in your card.
Two, the form of credit card is a card with the name of the issuer, the validity period, the number, the name of the cardholder and other contents printed on the front. [1] Consumers with credit cards can go to special commercial service departments for shopping or spending, and then the bank will settle accounts with merchants and cardholders, and cardholders can overdraw within the prescribed limit.
Third, the earliest credit card appeared at the end of 19. In the 1980s, the British clothing industry developed the so-called credit card, followed by the tourism and business sectors. However, at that time, the card could only be used for short-term commercial credit, and the money had to be paid back as needed. There was no long-term default and no credit line. In 1950s, McNamara, an American Manhattan credit expert, dined in a restaurant. Because he didn't bring enough money, he had to ask his wife to send money. This made him feel embarrassed, so he organized DinersClub (English: Diners Club). Members can bring their dining charge cards to 27 designated restaurants for consumption without paying cash. This is the earliest credit card. Franklin National Bank was the first bank to issue credit cards, and other American banks followed suit.
It is said that one day, Frank McNamara, an American businessman, entertained guests in a restaurant in new york. After eating, he found that he forgot to bring his wallet. He was deeply embarrassed and had to ask his wife to bring cash to the restaurant to settle the bill. So McNamara came up with the idea of creating a credit card company. 1 In the spring of 950, McNamara and his friend Schneider jointly invested110,000 US dollars to establish DinersClub in new york, the predecessor of Diners Credit Card Company. Diners' Club provides members with a card that can prove their identity and ability to pay. With this card, members can keep accounts and spend money. This kind of credit card that does not need to be handled by a bank is still a commercial credit card.
Fourthly, another way of saying credit card is that credit card is a non-cash transaction payment method and a simple credit service. Credit cards are generally plastic cards with a length of 85.60 mm, a width of 53.98 mm and a thickness of 65,438+0 mm, which are issued to cardholders by banks or credit card companies according to users' credit and financial resources. Cardholders do not need to pay cash when using credit cards, and make repayment on the checkout date. Except for some credit cards combined with financial cards, credit cards are different from debit cards and ATM cards, and credit cards will not directly deduct money from users' accounts. 20 12 February, the bank confirmed that the credit card is safer without password, and if it is stolen, it will share the responsibility with the bank. Enjoy an interest-free period of 25-56 days (or 20-50 days). Credit card consumption enjoys an interest-free period, and the bill amount is paid off before the due repayment date, without any cost. There is no interest-free repayment period for cash withdrawal, and five ten thousandths of daily interest will be charged from the date of cash withdrawal, and the bank will also charge a certain percentage of cash withdrawal fee.