2. negotiate repayment. If you are really unable to repay, you should actively negotiate with the bank to see if you can apply for an extension to gain more time to make money for repayment. Some banks can make a new repayment plan for you in special circumstances, or add some late fees to delay repayment. If it is a credit card, you can pay the minimum repayment amount first, so that this operation will not cause bad credit information.
3. Don't avoid collection. Generally, banks and financial institutions will not take extreme measures to collect money. Moreover, people should not change their mobile phone numbers, and the collection phone should be answered. They can make an appointment to negotiate repayment and repayment in installments, which may lead to more serious consequences.
4. Make money for repayment. At present, those who have jobs should work harder to make money, and those who have no jobs should find jobs quickly. Only by earning income can they pay off their debts. If necessary, they can find relatives and friends for emergency, write out IOUs and calculate interest.