Usually, the primary card and the secondary card use the same account, and all transaction details of the secondary card are listed on the primary card statement, making it easier for the primary cardholder to understand the usage of the secondary card. . Transactions such as supplementary card consumption and cash withdrawals and corresponding handling fees are calculated and collected in the main card account.
Generally speaking, the secondary card and the primary card enjoy the same credit limit. The primary cardholder can also set a credit limit for the secondary card that is lower than that of the primary card. If you want to increase the usage limit of the supplementary card, the cardholder can deposit a certain amount of funds in the main card in advance (the funds do not accrue interest) and just call the bank. At this time, the limit of the supplementary card is the original maximum limit plus the deposited funds. In the above situation, the secondary card cannot be used after the primary card is canceled.