What is the billing date of the Postal Savings Bank zodiac credit card?
No matter what kind of credit card it is, there will be a statement date to record all the transactions you have made every month. Postal Savings Bank zodiac sign The same goes for credit cards. As long as you know the billing date of your credit card, you can calculate your repayment date. If your salary is due after the repayment date, you can also postpone the repayment date by modifying the bill date. So, when is the billing date for the Postal Savings Zodiac Credit Card?
1. What is the Postal Savings Bank of China Zodiac Credit Card Statement Date
As far as we know, Postal Savings Bank of China will regularly check the transactions that occurred in the cardholder’s Zodiac Credit Card account every month. Fees, etc. are summarized and settled, and interest is calculated. The total amount owed by the cardholder for the current period and the minimum repayment amount are calculated. The date on which the credit card bill is generated.
2. What is the billing date of the Postal Savings Credit Card Zodiac?
The current billing date range of the Postal Savings Credit Card is 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, that is, the Postal Savings Bank will randomly select one of these numbers as your statement date.
For example, if the Postal Savings Bank credit card statement date is the 16th, it means that the 16th will be used as a settlement for consumption and other matters, and the above total amount will be used to remind you of the corresponding amount that should be repaid 25 days later.
3. How to modify the billing date of the Postal Savings Zodiac Credit Card
Many cardholders have encountered such a sad thing. Seeing that the repayment date is approaching, their wages have not been paid. At this time, you can modify the billing date to postpone the repayment date. , Postal Savings Bank of China will provide an opportunity to modify the credit card statement date once a year.
If you want to change the billing date, you can call the Postal Savings Credit Card service hotline: 400-889-5580, connect to the manual customer service, and then select a day from the credit card's current day range as your new bill day.
What is the due date for Postal Savings Bank credit card repayment? Teach you three tricks to quickly search
Postal Savings Bank of China is the fifth largest bank in China and has a certain number of customers. People often use Postal Savings Bank credit cards in their lives. Of course, you need to pay back the credit card when you swipe it. payment. And every credit card has a due date for repayment. So, what is the repayment date for Postal Savings Bank credit card? Today I will teach you a few ways to quickly query.
What is the due date for Postal Savings Bank credit card repayment?
The repayment date for Postal Savings Bank credit cards is the 20th day after the statement date. However, because the statement date of each Postal Savings Bank credit card may be different, the repayment date for Postal Savings Bank credit cards will also be different. different. Postal Savings Bank credit card statement dates include the 3rd, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 21st, 24th and 26th, which are randomly assigned by the system.
How to check the repayment date of Postal Savings Bank credit card
1. The bank will send statements every month, and cardholders can check the repayment date in the monthly statement;
2. Cardholders can also call Postal Savings Bank’s customer service hotline 95580 or 400-889-5580 for enquiries;
3. Cardholders can log in to online banking and go to “Credit Card "You can check it in the Account Management Office of the interface.
The repayment date of Postal Savings Bank credit card is mainly determined based on the statement date, because the statement date is randomly assigned by the system, and the repayment date is the 20th day after the statement date. If you want to check Postal Savings Bank Friends who know the repayment date of bank credit cards can use the above methods, which are all simple and quick. In addition to the above methods to check the repayment date, you can also check it through the WeChat official account of Postal Savings Bank.
How to calculate consumption on the postal credit card billing day
Transactions that occur before 22:00 on the postal credit card billing day will be included in the current bill.
Postal Credit Card Statement Date means that the Postal Savings Bank Credit Card Center regularly summarizes and settles various transactions and expenses that occurred in your credit card account in the current period every month, and calculates the interest and calculates your total debt for the current period. Amount and minimum payment date.
Banks are financial institutions established in accordance with the law to engage in currency and credit business. It is the product of the development of commodity currency economy to a certain stage.
A bank is an enterprise that operates money. Its existence facilitates the raising and financing of social funds. It is a very important member of financial institutions.
We can see that the business of a bank is, on the one hand, it collects idle monetary funds and small monetary savings in society by absorbing deposits, and then lends them in the form of loans to those who need to replenish currency. people use it; here, the bank acts as an intermediary between lenders and borrowers.
On the other hand, banks handle currency collection, payment, settlement and other services for commodity producers and merchants, and they also act as payment intermediaries. In short, banks play the role of credit intermediaries.
The basic functions of commercial banks include: credit intermediary, payment intermediary, credit creation, and financial services.
Corporate Business
Postal Savings Bank
Investment and financial management: financial management, insurance, funds, precious metals, treasury bonds, fund custody, asset management plans, personal product information Query platform.
Credit card: credit card family portrait, credit card installment, points mall, credit card services, quick functions.
Debit cards and (deposits, loans and exchanges): debit cards, personal deposits, credit services, foreign exchange, payment and settlement.
Personal electronic banking: personal mobile banking, personal online banking, telephone banking, self-service banking, WeChat banking, savings SMS service
VIP services: VIP card, special services
< p>Corporate servicesAccount services: service standards and procedures, convenient account opening, appointment processing, bank confirmation letters
Products and services: corporate deposits, corporate credit, cross-border finance, domestic Trade financing, bill business, cash management, corporate financial management, custody business, investment banking, corporate settlement, fund custody
Corporate electronic banking: corporate online banking, telephone banking, self-service banking, bank-enterprise direct connection
Value-added services: financial solutions, business guides
Inter-bank finance
Three rural services
Three rural services: Youyidai-Jisudai, Nong Dai Tong, Zheng Dai Tong, Industrial Chain Operation Loan, Shang Dai Tong, Agricultural Professional Cooperative Loan
Small Business Services
Small Business Credit Products: Youyidai-Small and MicroEasy loans, science and technology small business loans, general small business loans, and special small business loans.
How to calculate the postal credit card repayment date and billing date
The postal credit card repayment date is the 20th day after the billing date. Assume (just assuming) that your credit card billing date is On the 14th of every month (fixed), the final repayment date is the 20th day after the bill date, that is, around the 4th of each month (there are 30 and 31 days in each month), that is to say:
May 15th-June 14th is a billing cycle. Card consumption in this cycle will generate a bill on June 14th. July 4th is the last repayment date. Full repayment before this date is free of charge. interest.
June 15th-July 14th is a billing cycle. Card consumption in this cycle will generate a bill on July 14th. August 3rd is the final repayment date. All payments before this date are Interest-free repayment. And so on.
So, if you swipe your card on the bill date, the interest-free period will be the shortest, only 20 days (swipe the card on June 14, and repay on July 4). If you swipe your card on the bill date, the interest-free period will be the longest, with 50 days (swipe the card on June 15th and repay on August 3rd). Be sure to know your credit card billing date and repayment date to avoid missing payments.
The billing date means that the card-issuing bank will regularly summarize and settle the various transactions and fees that occurred in your credit card account every month, calculate the interest, and calculate the total amount you owe and the minimum payment for the current period. amount and send you a statement. This date is your credit card statement date.
The card-issuing bank is the bank that issues credit cards to consumers. Consumers apply for a credit card from the card-issuing bank, and the card-issuing bank issues a credit card and credit limit based on the applicant's income and debt repayment ability. The card-issuing bank can also authorize the special store to complete or reject the transaction based on the cardholder's credit limit; the card-issuing bank will exchange and settle accounts with the acquiring bank on a daily basis, and settle the current month's consumption with the cardholder at the end of each month.
The main function of card issuers is to issue various bank cards to cardholders and charge certain fees by providing various related bank card services. By issuing bank cards, card issuers receive the annual credit card fees paid by cardholders, overdraft interest, handling fees paid by cardholders for various services, merchant rebates, etc.
The acquirer is mainly responsible for the development and management of special merchants, authorization requests, bill settlement and other activities. Its benefits mainly come from merchant commissions and other service fees paid by merchants (such as POS terminal rental fees, monthly fees etc.) and merchant deposits increased. Most card-issuing banks also operate acquiring businesses, and there are also some non-bank professional service institutions that operate acquiring businesses.
The concept is different, but most card-issuing banks also engage in acquiring business, that is to say, they are both card-issuing banks and acquiring banks.
The acquiring bank and the card-issuing bank are two independent institutions that act as the card-issuing bank and the acquiring bank. If the order does not comply with the agreement between them, the order can be returned.
The acquiring bank (AcquiringBank) serves specially authorized stores. The acquiring bank promotes the acceptance of credit cards as payment tools to the stores. However, the acquiring bank will first strictly review the credit quality of the store before communicating with the store. Sign up as a special store and provide credit card receipt cashing services and charge handling fees.
The postal savings credit card statement date is the 21st. If the card was swiped on September 1st, when should I pay it back?
For 9.1 card consumption, the repayment date is after the bill is generated on September 21, and the final repayment date is 10.11
The last repayment date for Postal Bank credit cards is the 20th day after the bill date . The bill date is the 19th (fixed), that is to say
The bill is generated on 9.21 and records the transactions from 8.22 to 9.21. The final repayment date is the 20th day after 9.21, that is, 10.11
< p>The bill is generated on October 21, recording the transactions between 9.22 and 10.21. The last repayment date is the 20th day after 10.21, that is, 11.10And so on.
Obviously, the interest-free period for 9.21 purchases on the bill date is the shortest, with 20 days (swipe on 9.21, and repay on 10.11). The interest-free period for 9.22 purchases on the first day after the bill date is the longest, with 50 days (swipe on 9.22, and repay on 11.10). ). It should be noted that there is an interest-free period only for card purchases, but there is no interest-free period for cash withdrawals.
That’s it for the introduction to the postal savings credit card statement date.