Credit cards cannot be repaid directly with credit cards. Credit cards are cards that consume first and then repay. They do not support repayment transfers and other services, so there is no credit card repayment business, and there is no handling fee.
Credit cards have the following repayment methods:
1. Automatic repayment
When applying for a credit card, the applicant will enter the "Repayment Information" column , select "Automatic Repayment" and provide the card number or account number of your debit card, current savings account or current savings account. After the credit card is successfully opened, if there is no abnormality in the account, automatic repayment can be completed before the due payment date.
If you do not select "automatic repayment" when applying for a credit card, after the credit card is successfully opened, you can contact the bank's customer service staff or the counter to handle the self-service repayment service, or you can automatically set up the automatic repayment service through the Internet .
2. Active repayment
Online bank transfer: Use the debit card of another bank to repay the CCB credit card through the "inter-bank collection and payment" service of the bank where the account is opened, or directly Use CCB savings card to repay.
Mobile banking transfer: Instant repayment through CCB mobile client.
Bank self-service terminal repayment: At CCB’s self-service terminal repayment service machine, you can use a debit card to self-service at a 24-hour deposit and withdrawal machine (CDM) or automatic teller machine (ATM). The device transfers funds to the credit card for repayment; you can also use cash self-service repayment through the deposit and withdrawal machine (CDM). If you forget to bring the credit card that needs to be repaid when repaying, you can enter the credit card number manually through "cardless deposit" or easily Repayment.
Over-the-counter repayment: You can make cash repayment at the counter of a China Construction Bank outlet or transfer repayment to a credit card account through your CCB bank debit card, current all-in-one or current savings account; Inter-bank repayment can be made through the counters of other banks. Please consult the transferring bank for specific charging standards for inter-bank counter repayments. After the repayment is successfully credited, CCB will send a text message notification.
Repayment from cooperative institutions:
Alipay: You can log in to Alipay and select the "Credit Card Repayment" business, and use other payment methods such as debit card quick payment, debit card online banking, debit card cartoon, etc. Funds from the bank's savings account can be transferred to the Bank of China credit card account for free for repayment.
Tenpay: You can log in to Tenpay and select the "repay credit card" business, and use online banking, quick payment and other payment methods to transfer repayment to the Bank of China credit card account for free through other banks' savings accounts.