For those who use credit cards, credit card repayment is a top priority. If you accidentally overdue the payment, you will not only be charged penalty interest, reduce the credit card limit, but will also be reported to your credit report. So what are the repayment methods for Rural Commercial Bank credit cards? Let’s find out together. What are the repayment methods for Rural Commercial Bank credit cards? 1. To use the Rural Commercial Bank APP to repay, you need to download the local Rural Commercial Bank APP and bind the Rural Commercial Bank credit card, debit card or savings card respectively. You can find the credit card repayment in the service. 2. Use WeChat and Alipay for repayment. Alipay and WeChat credit card payments can also be conditionally waived from handling fees. 3. To use Union QuickPass APP for repayment, you need to bind a Rural Commercial Bank credit card, and then bind a savings card or debit card of any bank for repayment. 4. You can also bring your ID card, credit card and bank card to a Rural Commercial Bank branch to handle credit card repayment. The above is an introduction to Rural Commercial Bank’s credit card repayment methods. Normally, WeChat and Alipay repayments are subject to handling fees. Even if they are free of handling fees, certain conditions must be met. This repayment method is not suitable for credit card use. It’s not a good deal for many people.