Bank of China credit card may be frozen due to the following reasons. It is recommended that you call the customer service hotline for consultation. (1) When our bank staff are checking the transaction with you over the phone, if they refuse to acknowledge the transaction/refuse to cooperate with the verification/the contact information is invalid/the card is not used by someone else, the staff will freeze the card; (2) In the event of overdue payment, the card will be frozen. Repayment situation; (3) The local branch freezes the card after comprehensive evaluation; (4) A transaction is denied and the customer proactively calls the customer service hotline to apply for freezing.
The above content is for your reference. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Bank of China.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to consult the Bank of China online customer service or download and use the Bank of China mobile banking APP to consult and handle related services.