Your credit card will be billed on the billing date of each month, and 2 days after the billing date will be your final repayment date. If you fully repay your consumption before the final repayment date, you will enjoy an interest-free period. If you don't fully repay it on time and only pay the minimum repayment amount, your personal credit will not be affected, but your consumption will not enjoy the interest-free period, and the bank will charge interest at the rate of five ten thousandths of a day from the date when your consumption is credited. If you don't pay the minimum repayment amount, the bank will charge a late fee, which is = (minimum repayment amount-the amount paid by the due repayment date) × 5%, and the minimum 5 yuan (USD 1/Euro), and there will be overdue records. So be sure to pay the minimum repayment amount.