It will not be submitted to the credit bureau. Credit cards that are overdue for 3 days will not be reported to the credit report. Credit cards have a 3-day grace period for repayment. As long as the cardholder pays the minimum payment before 24:00 on the third day after the due payment date, it will not be considered overdue. In other words, as long as the credit card is overdue within 3 days of the repayment date, it is safe. However, if the payment is not made after the repayment grace period, it is really overdue and will be subject to a credit report. A credit card is a special hard plastic card that is about the size of an ID card. It has the name of the issuing bank, expiration date, number, cardholder name, etc. printed on the front, and has a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Credit card is a consumer payment tool and is currently the most popular plastic currency after cash. Credit cards are universal, safe, convenient and fast.