After paying off the credit card debt, you can handle the transfer of property.
Real estate transfer process
1. If the real estate certificate is transferred without going through a real estate agency, the terms of the contract and the default clause must be clearly written. When signing the contract, the seller must be the party whose name is on the real estate certificate. Be present (if you are married, both husband and wife need to be present and sign, even if there is only one person's name on the real estate certificate) to transfer the property.
2. After preparing the application materials, you must go to the Real Estate Bureau and fill out some forms and an existing contract. The amount on the existing contract must be the same as the amount on the signed contract.
3. After all the application materials for real estate transfer are submitted to the Real Estate Bureau, the Real Estate Bureau will issue a receipt and pay the tax according to the date stated on the receipt. It usually takes about fifteen working days.
4. After paying the real estate transfer tax, you can get the real estate certificate.