If your credit card application is approved, you can call the bank's credit card service hotline to inquire about the credit card issuance limit. I don’t know whether you have a seven-day co-branded card from China Guangfa Bank or a seven-day co-branded card from China Merchants Bank, but generally speaking, the limit is linked to your financial qualifications, which may be around 5,000. If the poster is not satisfied with the limit, you can apply for a limit increase after half a year of use. , but there cannot be any overdue period during the use period, and it is best to use up the monthly quota.
If you still have any worries, you can call the customer service of the bank where you hold the card to ask for relevant information. You can also go to the I Love Card website to see if anyone else has answered the same question as you. I hope I The answer can help the original poster!