The first situation is that the registered bill mailing address is inaccurate and the bill cannot be delivered. You can call 95559 to verify and modify the billing address, and the bill will be sent to the new address after the next month's billing.
in the second case, the post office made a postal mistake. You can call 95559 to fax the latest 1 bills by self-service telephone service or download the statements by personal online banking of Bank of Communications.
95559 self-service telephone service steps: call 95559→ enter the main menu → press 1 for account inquiry and repayment instructions → press 5 to fax the latest 1 bills → enter the card number → enter the telephone service password → press 1 to fax the latest 1 bills.
use "personal online banking" of Bank of Communications to inquire about bills. Operating steps: directly log in to personal online banking → select "credit card" service → account management → bill inquiry.
in the third case, there is no transaction in the current period, the account is in arrears, or the self-owned deposit is less than ¥1 yuan (US$ 13/HK$ 1), so no bill is generated in the current period. .