The billing date is the date when the bill is generated, and the repayment date is the latest date for your repayment. For example, for your credit card, the billing date is the 9th and the repayment date is the 3rd. This means that the amount of your card consumption between the 9th of last month and the 8th of this month will be included in the credit card bill generated on the 9th of this month. , you need to return this bill by the 3rd of the next month at the latest. If the amount spent by card between the 9th of this month and the 8th of the next month will be reflected in the bill on the 9th of the next month, the bill must be returned before the 3rd of the next month at the latest.
For example, if you spend 500 yuan on December 1st, it will be reflected in the bill on December 9th, and you need to repay it before January 3rd. But if you spend 500 yuan on December 10th, , reflected in the bill on January 9th, and needs to be returned before February 3rd.