The minimum repayment amount is related to the consumption amount and has nothing to do with the interest rate (for example: the minimum repayment amount for the first month of a credit card is generally 10% of the monthly consumption amount). An interest rate cut only means that the interest rate has dropped, so you have to repay the amount. The total amount is less
Minimum repayment amount = 10% of the unpaid consumption amount within the credit limit + 100% of the cash advance transaction amount + 100% of the unpaid part of the previous minimum repayment amount + exceeding the credit limit 100% of the consumption amount + 100% of the fees and interest
Currently in the above formula, some banks adopt a minimum repayment rate of 10% for cash advances.
Up to now If you pay the "minimum payment amount" before the due date, the interest will still be calculated. But it will not affect your personal credit.
There is no minimum repayment for cash advances.