Being rejected for a credit card will have a negative impact on your credit to some extent. For example, if someone submits credit card applications from four banks four times within a year, his credit report will be inquired four times by the bank. If he is rejected all four times, when he applies for a credit card for the fifth time, the fifth bank will still check his credit report.
Since there are inquiry records in the credit report, when the bank finds that his credit report has been inquired many times in the past period, but the credit card accounts and loan accounts under his name have not increased, it can infer that the application People have been denied many times for credit cards or loans. Being rejected by banks many times indicates that the person's credit status is not good enough, and the fifth bank will probably reject the application.
Xiaocai reminder: If you apply for a credit card from the same bank again, you should wait three months before applying again. The bank normally believes that the applicant's situation will not change significantly in the short term. If you apply again in the short term, you will still be Deny approval.
What should I do if my Bank of Shanghai credit card application is rejected?
1. Apply again to another bank
Compared with large state-owned banks, commercial banks have higher thresholds Low and easier to apply successfully. Nowadays, banks that make it easier to apply for a card include China Merchants Bank, Baoshang Bank, Bank of Shanghai, etc.
2. Improve your personal qualifications
Depositing a fixed deposit of more than 50,000 yuan in the bank, or purchasing some financial products in the bank, can improve your personal qualifications. Qualifications.
3. Change to a lower-level card
If you apply for the same credit card from the same bank again, the possibility of rejection is usually higher. You can change the card. Apply. If you fail to apply for a gold or platinum card, you can try applying for a regular card.