Penalties such as forced landing of credit cards? You still have to repay the money after you come out! Nowadays, people like to use credit cards to make purchases, and many people are overdrafted.
Penalties such as forced landing of credit cards? You still have to repay the money after you come out! Nowadays, people like to use credit cards to make purchases, and many people are overdrafted. As a result, they want to force the bank to go ashore because they think they have no money to pay back anyway, so they simply don’t pay back. Just punishment. So, is it really okay to do this? Can I avoid paying penalties for credit card debt? This is actually a very naive idea. Penalties are just the consequences you have to bear when you are forced to go ashore. The ultimate purpose of the bank's punishment is to make you repay. If you don't repay, you will have to suffer this loss. But the penalty does not mean that the debt will be written off. After the penalty is issued, you still have to continue to repay. If you do not repay, the bank may impose penalties on you again. Therefore, friends who owe credit cards should not take the extreme path of being forced to go ashore. The money you owe to the credit card is money owed to the country. No matter what method you think of to force the shore to go ashore, it won't work as long as you don't repay the money. Don’t think that you can lose contact by changing contact information, moving, changing workplaces, etc., so that the bank can’t find you. And once you do this, the bank will most likely go to court to sue, and after the court's decision, you will become a fugitive. You can remain anonymous and hide in Tibet. Sooner or later, you will be arrested one day. It will be a long time waiting for you. Life in prison, banks will continue to collect money from you after you are released. It can be seen that penalties such as forced landing of credit cards are not feasible. If you really can't afford to repay the debt, I suggest you pay back a little every month no matter what. Paying more or less is not a problem. The important thing is to show your willingness to repay, so that even if it is overdue, you will not be caught. To punish. Of course, the best way is to negotiate repayment with the bank. After signing a personalized repayment agreement, the debt will be divided into five years for repayment. Each month must be repaid according to the agreement. Although there will be some handling fees, compared with overdue payments, In terms of post-interest compounding, this repayment method is still relatively cost-effective. All in all, if you can't pay back your credit card debt, don't think about being forced to go ashore and wait for punishment. After all, the country's money cannot be written off with penalties.