First, the normal situation. Generally, overdue credit cards will not be taken away, but their credit value may be affected at this time. Banks will urge themselves to repay the corresponding amount, but they will not take some tough measures. At this time, it is necessary to raise money to repay, so as to protect its related rights and interests. But if you don't pay it back, it will cause a certain loss, and the lack of credit will have a great impact on your life. Therefore, under normal circumstances, you must repay in time, within three months.
Two, after three months overdue. After three months overdue, the bank will notify the court to enforce it. If it has corresponding real estate and movable property to evaluate, auction it, so that the money from the auction can pay off the bank's debts. In other words, if you have a car at this time, you may be taken away to return your credit card, which will also affect your credit information. This situation is too late, so the bank will not file a lawsuit in most cases, so it is necessary to repay the credit card immediately before the bank informs itself, otherwise it will cause other interest problems for itself and have a great impact.
Third, protect your bank credit. We must pay attention to protecting our credit. If you don't pay attention, you may cause yourself corresponding troubles, so you must pay attention to protecting your credit and don't do anything that violates your credit. Especially when spending, you must spend rationally, don't spend in advance, and make sure that your credit card is guaranteed, otherwise, once the credit is missing, it will affect your work and life.