Your question is very interesting. Under normal circumstances, it is enough for a person to have 1-2 credit cards. There will not be so many, because credit cards also have annual fees. Nowadays, banks generally The annual fee will be waived after you make a certain number of purchases, so it is definitely not normal for a person to have many credit cards. He must have some purpose.
1. A friend helped me. I applied for many credit cards in order to help my friend boost his performance, but then he didn’t activate them. If he didn’t activate them, there would be no annual fee.
2. In order to cash out, bank credit cards have a maximum free period of about 50 days, which means that if you use the credit card, you do not need to repay during the interest-free period, and you do not need to pay interest, so use You can use several cards together and use the money from one card to pay off the balance on another card.