Hello, when applying for a credit card on the bank website, if you are asked to fill in your email address, just enter any email address you already have. Just pay attention to using the correct format. It should It is in the form of username@domain name, such as QQ mailbox is username@qq.com.
The user name in front should be your number, or English, or mobile phone number account number. It cannot be expressed in the form of a URL. It should be separated by an English half-width @ symbol in the middle, and be careful not to have any extra symbols before or after the @ symbol. , followed by the domain name, and the dot in the middle of the domain name is also an English symbol and is written below.
When registering users by email, be sure to pay attention to the format of the email address. It must be a commonly used email address and a valid email address.
1. The general email format is username@emaildomainname.COM. If you are a qq mailbox, your email address is your qq digital account@qq.com. For example, your QQ number is: 1234, and your email address is 1234@qq.com.
2. In addition to the default digital account email address, qq mailbox also supports English accounts, foxmail.com accounts and mobile phone accounts. These accounts are all managed through one mailbox, only the account name It's just different. If you need these accounts, you need to go to the web version of email and open the relevant email in account management. If you have already opened these accounts, you also need to check the correct email addresses of these accounts in setting up email accounts before filling them in.
3. The format of the English account is general, English or English plus numbers@qq.com. For example nice@qq.com, or nice123@qq.com.
4. The format of FOXMAIL account: English or English or English plus numbers @foxmail.com.
5. Mobile phone account format. It is the mobile phone number@qq.com, for example 138**********@qq.com.